Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tikis ,Zombies and drunk people in Hawaiian Shirt and the Golden Ticket (Tiki Oasis 2008 Part 2)

Day 2    The Daytime   Tiki  Vendors and  San Diego  Beach Fun

I awoke early and while  Dunn was still asleep decided to wander around and take pictures of stuff......"Tikis at Tiki Oasis?   They must have escaped from the Zoo"

"Must obey Giant Tiki and take another Picture of it"

Some People  go all out for this and even have stuff on their balconies
 My Room with a View  (it is nice to have a room that doesn't overlook an alley for once)
Once the Dunn was up  we headed out for breakfast.   Quote of the day at 9am ?    "I'm Better at suffering"    Then hit the Tiki Vendors that opened up around 10am......Here is some of what there was to get....(Tiki Related   imagine that)

OMG  Tiki Speakers
I controlled myself and only bought a Tiki Mug for the Tiki Room Crawl in Part 3  of Blog  and a cool Tiki T-Shirt  (That makes my eyes a really cool blue)--But there was a lot of cool stuff (If you are into Tikis)

After the checking out all the stuff  we decided to head out of Tiki land for ahwile--and took off to the beach area (My old stomping grounds from College)
Interesting stuff....  Hand out on the beach----Bodysurfed---and hung out at cool oustide beach bar  that had wave pools......Here are some pictures of that  with weird stuff thrown in
Poor Scottie Freeman?????
Eric stops for dessert

Random  Sign  i called it "Swimmer asking a question"   Eric said "Guy in bed raising hand"
"Beware of the Land Sharks"  That will make sense at a future  date   ......Foreshadowing of future blogs  perhaps....
They were filming some show called Ocean Force     It looks like a Member of ZZ Top stopped by
Time to Eat
The Wave pool looke awesome dude.....Watched the learners pool as people ate shit one after another then watched the regulars
Chilling at the Beach Bar area

Free drink samples 

The Free Drink Girls with some Frat dudes
Laughing Hysterically as  Eric knocks over his $7  drink while  discussing the free ones......Not so free anymore   (Who is better at suffering now)
Random signage    "Smash TV"

Back at the place again  getting ready for Tiki Room crawl after bumping into Billy the Crud  myspace friend and Tiki Carver. We saw a little  Maikai Gents  playing Hawaiian style music.
The Drunk Hawaiian shirt wearing crowd is very friendly and easy going  --check out this guy in the pool
Pineappleman Gear is ready to go again
We had the Great Tiki  Bless  our drinking mugs
Posed for Pictures and got ready for Part3
I'll  Post Part 3  Tomorrow   --all blogged out for now

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