Friday, July 29, 2011

Countdown to Tiki Oasis 22 days til Oasis (liguid Aloha)

Meshugga Beach Party-- Oye I like their style  .. Performed at Tiki Oasis 2009...

My Tiki/ Pineappleman facebook page is here

In early 1990's after a trip to Maui Pineapple plantation .with my folks and my best friend we came up with a action adventure character called the Pineappleman
--that we wrote a song about --that was later sung by a band we were in together called WASH. (that was kind of a loud noise/Punkish band from Long Beach that destroyed a lot of stuff).....The Pineappleman Song.. Where I would crush a Pineapple over my head at the end of the song 

In 2006 I started a myspace page that I used as a creative writing exercise to write little action adventure stories that I hoped to eventually have as a comic......Which I'm now recreating in blog form since I couldn't access all my older myspace blogs anymore.... 

So here is my facebook page where I will occasionally post links to my Tiki blog and Saga of the Pineappleman..

The Pineappleman song from WASH  performing at Bogart's back in the early 1990's

Song of the day: Ride the Wild Surf: Jan and Dean

I watched the movie last week .   Review soon to come .... I thought I'd post the theme song as rhe song of the day in the mean time.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Tiki Highway Part 2 More from Sunset Beach

Interviewing Tiki

Cars Galore ....Come on down!

A Tiki Shag wagon!  Yeah Baby Yeah!

Van Art

Dirty Filthy  Mugs
Punk Style

Tiki Highway Event in Sunset Beach July 24th 2011 (Part 1)

First of all I totally underestimated the size of this event.....and had to circle the Peter's Landing for about 20 plus mintues looking for a place to park...

 My main mission was to see the Hula Girls a band that I really enjoyed at Tiki Oasis last year and they rocked the joint.

If you have never been to a Tiki event it is a odd site to see...Everyone is either dressed Hawaiian or retro out of some 1950's movie....

Drinks were flowing in the Hidden Village if you could handle the line

Photo Op

A lot of artwork was on display....

A Vendors Village was going on outside next to all the cars

Pinup girls were doing their thing

Hey you want Tikis   --we got Tikis for ya

 Live Tiki Carving in action

There were a lot of Retro cars on display 

Some Tikis from inside Don's 

The Tiki Scene

Time of a little Burlesque 

The host in his finest attire

More to come in Part 2